Good afternoon. Please take a minute to read this Welcome Back letter.
I am experimenting with using the website to deliver information to you all. I would welcome your feedback

Field Day 2023

Fields full of fun at the Fletcher Field Days

Starting on Friday, June 9, 2023 we will only be able to run 2 buses for the reminder of the year. The schedule will be the same as earlier in the year. We realize this is short notice and apologize for any inconvenience.

On the train back to Fletcher (actually Essex). The final leg of a fantastic journey

Wednesday afternoon adventures in NYC

One World Trade Center

Central Park and the Central Park Zoo

Central Park and the Central Park Zoo

Scenes from the NYC Hostel

We conquered our first subway ride in NYC

Scenes from the train on the way to NYC

Hello Fletcher Families!
Field Day is a little over a week away! Below you will find the schedule of events: Wednesday, June 14th.
11:15 - 11:45 - Bounce Houses will be open to all children in the community not participating in Field Day.
11:45 - Community Picnic; Please let the school know if you plan to attend.
Hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, potato salad and watermelon.
Serving times:
11:45 - K, 1, 2
12:00 - 3, 4
12:15 - 5, 6
12:00 - 1:00 - BFA Fairfax Maroon Mayhem Pep Band performance
12:00 - 1:30 - Ben and Jerry's ice cream truck, sponsored by FOFE
2:00 - FOFE parade
Hope to see you there!

From the bus to the train depot and onto the train

The Fletcher 6th graders are off to NYC!

Scenes from the Fletcher Spring Concert

Fletcher Elementary School’s Spring Concert and Art Show. Thursday, May 25th at 6 pm. All are invited.

Preschool and Kindergarten registration forms went out in March. If you have not received one please give the school a call at 802-849-6251.
If you have not sent the paperwork back in yet please do so at your earliest convenience.

FES Early Release day is Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

FES Students and teachers will be going Ice skating at Cairns Arena in South Burlington for the Schoolwide PBIS celebration.
K- 2 will be 4/18
3-4 will be 4/19
5/6 will be 4/20